Our vision is a multi-purpose arena for the entire
island of Gotland

o The Arena of the future!

o A true good for Gotland!

o A true good for our nature!

o A true good for our planet!

Gotland Arena: a Venue for Sport, Development, Technology and Commerce

The Culture Arena
Concerts, art exhibits, various forms of performances and more.

The Market Arena
Fairs and happenings, and more.

The Sports Arena
Outdoor and indoor sports
sports arena, which fills the requirements for the game at international level

The Technology Arena
Pilot plant for technology and service development
and cooperation between technology development companies and colleges, offering installation test bed for new technologies

Traditional ecological materials for the future form and function
A manifestation and symbol of Gotland material, shape and design.

Our vision is that the stadium
o Must, like the churches on Gotland, stand the test of time many generations to come.
o Becomes a symbol of Gotland and what truly is the essence of Gotland

No compromises: 100% thought out.

100% Gotlandic.
Material culture, form and design should have a clear Gotland anchorage.
All parts will be infused by Gotlan and for a a manifestation of materials, expertise and skills...In every detail!

100% Original.
This must go as a theme throughout the venue. From the building's form and structure of technical solutions in heating, ventilation, lighting, equipment, locker rooms to shower and toilet. Our wish is that it will act like a pilot plant for Swedish technology. What is really the solution for the future stadium toilets like?

100% Eco-Smart.
Our goal is to be the world's first stadium with zero-emission. The arena will be a model for future venues in terms of solutions on energy, materials, ecology and sustainability.


Our Vision



"* In physics exergy is the total amount of potential work in a system in a given environment; denotes energy quality. Exergy is often confused with energy. Exergy is work, namely the orderly movement, or ability to work. "
/ --/Wikipedia